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TheraSol is a second generation antimicrobial agent.  Over 80 in vitro tests and in vitro clinical trials have been conducted on TheraSol's active agent, C31G.  These tests have shown TheraSol's antimicrobial activity to be equivalent to a 0.5% chlorohexidine solution and capable of maintaining its activity for up to six hours.

Unlike organochlorides such as chlorohexidine, TheraSol's active agents have negligible side effects.  TheraSol will not stain the teeth, increase the formation of calculus or inhibit fibroblast proliferation.  Rather, it actually appears to stimulate fibroblasts. TheraSol also has a great taste which vastly improves patient compliance.


The C31G complex in TheraSol is actually composed of 2 compounds: alkyl dimethyl amine oxide and alkyl dimethyl glycine.  These synergistic compounds are classified as amphoteric, quaternary surfacants.  Amphoteric molecules are simultaneously both positively and negatively charged.  Each molecule actually exists as a cyclic structure and it's thought that TheraSol's high substantivity is due to it's cyclic stereochemistry.  Suprisingly, these molecules have been lethal to every microorganism against which they have been tested, including fifteen different species of yeast and fungi, which are notoriously difficult to kill.  Researchers believe that TheraSol's wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity is due, at least in part, to the amphoteric structure of C31G.

With it's prolonged and lethal effect on bacteria and yeasts, TheraSol is strong enough to use as a professional strength irrigant.  Because of it's negligible side-effects, it is ideal for use in home care programs as well.  Unlike chlorohexedine-based products, staining is almost unknown with TheraSol and the taste is very pleasant which helps to improve patient compliance.  TheraSol is also very low in alcohol...only 8% by volume.


Antimicrobial Agents

Periodontal diseases are caused by bacterial infections.  Of the 250 - 350 different microorganisms that can be found in periodontal pockets, about 20 seem to pose the greatest risk.  The health of your gums depends on how well you can control the growth of these bacteria.  They grow best in the deepest spaces between the teeth and gums; areas hard to reach with just a toothbrush and floss.  Subgingival irrigation with antimicrobial agents has become a popular adjunct to home care because bactericidal liquids can be squirted deeper into pockets than toothbrush bristles can reach.

The ideal oral antimicrobial agent would be cheap as water, taste great, have no side-effects, be completely bactericidal and highly substantive (chemically sticky).  Alas, no such product exists.  It's easy to find products that are inexpensive and taste good, but very few are completely bactericidal and almost none are substantive.  The last two are very important.  Most commercial mouthwashes, for instance, are mainly bacteriostatic, meaning they inhibit bacterial growth, but don't actually kill microorganisms like bactericidal products do.  Substantivity is important because, just like saliva flows from glands under the tounge and cheek, crevicular fluid flows between the gums and the teeth.  Crevicular fluids are replaced every five to fifteen minutes, which means that anything flushed into the pockets is washed out fairly rapidly...unless it's highly substantive (chemically sticky). 

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