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The OraMedia site is based, primarily, on the vast collection of work produced by Dr. Robert O. Nara on the prevention and reversal of tooth decay and gum disease. The purpose of this site is to continue in raising public awareness that the condition of having bad teeth, gum inflam-
mation, bleeding and pain are not inevitable, but quite easily avoidable when the cause and cure of the disease is understood by the individual - and the teeth properly cared for.

This interview was originally published in the March/April 1979 issue of the MOTHER EARTH NEWS magazine.

The Plowboy Interview with Dr. Robert O. Nara - Page 1 of 2

Dr. Robert O. Nara 1976Freedom From Dental Disease!

"I was called...before the State Board of Dentistry and told--by one of the Board's members-that I'd lose my license if I continued to rock the boat. I replied that I believed myself to be in the right, that I was acting in the public interest, and that I would continue to do so regardless of whatever he was tempted to do in retaliation. The board member responded by saying. "We'll get you." And it took him 10 years, 10 long years of battles in the professional organizations and in the courts, to finally take my license away from me."
Natural Cleansing Powder
for Teeth & Gums...

Nara Cleansing Powder - 8 oz. Size
...before your teeth can HEAL,
they have to be clean!

People who understand the decay/healing process know that it is a whole lot easier for  tooth enamel to lose mineral content than it is to re-absorb those same minerals, repairing the damage from the loss.

Due to the several factors involved in the body's process of re-mineralizing tooth enamel, everything must come together at the right place and with perfect timing...another one of nature's delicate balancing acts.

One thing you can do to help out is to keep the surface of the tooth clean - right down to the microscopic level - where it all takes place.

We believe that using our Nara Cleansing Powder is an excellent way in helping you to achieve that.

Ever since Närä Natural Tooth Cleansing Powder was introduced in 2005, there has been an 8 oz. size, but available only in Peppermint. 
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Dropped the price, too.  Normally $24.95, you can get the 8 oz. bottle for just $19.95 (U.S.) for a limited time, which is the same price as our popular 2 oz. '3-Pack' (6 oz. total)...so you get 33% MORE cleansing powder at a 20% savings.


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Here's what I tell 'em...

How Big Pharma and the Media Sell Junk Science
Alliance for Natural Health
April 22, 2014

SpinHere’s how to spot Big Pharma’s spin on both supplements and drugs—and where you can get the truth.

You’ve seen the headlines: “Fish Oil Supplements Can Kill!” and “New Cancer-Fighting Wonder Drug!” These days, it seems the mainstream media is always screaming about the latest study “proving” that supplements are bad and drugs are good. But more often than not, the “research” behind these headlines has been funded, manipulated, and packaged by Big Pharma.

Here are some of industry’s (and the mainstream media’s) favorite ways to distort science:

  • Publication bias. About half of all drug trials aren’t made publicly available, and positive findings are twice as likely to be published as negative findings for the same drug. So if a drug is harmful or doesn’t work, you’ll probably never hear about it. Conversely, if results are negative or can be made negative for supplements, which are thought to compete with drugs, you will certainly hear about it.
  • “Seeding” trials. Should a study designed by the marketing department really be cited as scientific evidence? Big Pharma has been known to disguise marketing schemes as legitimate drugs trials (the most well-known example of this is Vioxx’s ADVANTAGE trial). The funding of negative supplement studies is often obscured, but we can guess where the money is coming from.
  • Ghostwritten studies. Many “independent” studies are designed, conducted, and analyzed by drug companies—and then published under a physician’s name. In the case of supplements, researchers biased against supplements can readily be found, although the same names appear over and over again.
  • “Perfect” patients. Study results can also be manipulated by choosing patients who you know in advance will demonstrate the outcome desired—for example, by giving patients with no nutrient deficiencies a multivitamin, and then concluding that supplements don’t make them healthier.
  • Deceptively low doses. What’s an easy way to “prove” a dietary supplement has no impact on human health? Give it in such low doses that the result you want is guaranteed.    Continued...

Oral Health Products

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Nara Cleansing Powders
Xylitol Crystals
Pocket Care Oral Irrigators
'Freedom From Dental Disease' Books

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"The Mouth Doctor"

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From the OraMedia Store at Amazon
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Nutritional Supplements
The Oral Health Bible & Other Books
Dr. Collins' Perio Brush
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Trace Mineral Drops
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Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops

Levi S. ParmlyIn 1819 a dentist named Levi S. Parmly wrote a book called 

A Practical Guide to the Management of the Teeth . . . Comprising a Discovery of the Origin of Caries, or Decay of the Teeth, with its Prevention and Cure.

Dr. G. V. BlackSome 77 years later, Dr. G. V. Black closed his address to a group of dental school graduates with these words:

"The day is coming, and perhaps within the lifetime of you young men, when we will be engaged in practicing preventive rather than reparative dentistry.''

Yet the U.S. Public Health Service tells us that 98 out of every 100 men, women, and children in the United States still suffer from some form of dental disease. And American Dental Association figures indicate that the average American has 14 teeth decayed, filled, or missing by the time he or she reaches 20 years of age! Just what has happened to the dream of preventive dentistry?

"It isn't a dream anymore, it's a reality!" says Dr. Robert Nara of Houghton, Michigan, who adds, "Dental disease-tooth decay and bad gums -- can be eliminated . . . I've been doing it for almost 20 years.' "

These are pretty strong words ... especially to those of us who are suffering from the pain and financial losses caused by conventional reparative dentistry. But Bob Nara is sure of his message . . . S0 sure, in fact, that he has put his means of earning a living on the line in a bitter struggle with the dental establishment (those professional organizations which, Nara claims, condition this country's dentists to do no more than "help the patient's mouth rest comfortably while the teeth die").

MOTHER was curious about Nara 's claims and about the system of preventive cure, called Oramedics, that the Michigan dentist has designed to help "spread the word " that dental disease can be eradicated.

And so staffer Bruce Woods flew up to the Wolverine state for a talk with Nara, who had -- not long before -- had his license suspended by the Michigan State Dental Association. This transcript of their conversation contains some statements that - if true -- paint a shocking picture of a "medical" profession that has the means to insure dental health but, instead, allows political and economic pressures to limit its practice to treating symptoms . . . while it completely ignores the causes of tooth and gum disease.

Whether you finish this interview as a believer in Oramedics or not, we think you owe it to your mouth to read what Bob Nara has to say.

 Dr. Nara, your ideas about preventive dentistry have, so far, cost you your license to practice, gotten you kicked out of the county, state, and national dental organizations, and forced you to face criminal charges. I know this situation didn't develop overnight, so why don't we begin at the beginning. Can you tell me about your training and professional background?

NARA: Of course. I took my undergraduate degree at Michigan State University--in East Lansing, Michigan--in 1955. Immediately thereafter, I enrolled in the University of Michigan's dental school. After graduation. I served in the Navy for two years ... during which time I practiced dentistry at the Pacific missile range headquarters in California. I returned to Houghton, Michigan when my hitch was up and set myself up in private practice in 1961.

PLOWBOY: How did it happen that your work turned toward preventive, rather than reparative dentistry?

NARA: Well, first of all, I was taught enough microbiology, oral physiology, and biochemistry in dental school to get a pretty fair understanding of the processes that contribute to dental disease. This "medical" material, however, was presented to us in a rather hit-or-miss pattern .. . with bits of information dribbling in during one class or another. What my schooling really prepared me for, however--and what any student in dental school is actually trained to do-was mechanics . . . drilling and filling.

PLOWBOY: Don't the dental schools encourage preventive care?

NARA: No, they don't encourage it at all! And there's another factor that contributes to the lack of preventive dentistry in the United States, too. You see, most young dentists--upon graduation-have a very substantial educational debt to take care of. Then, in order to get a practice started, these men and women have to go out and buy more than $50,000 worth of equipment! So there is, as you can see, tremendous pressure put upon the beginning dentist to get going and bring in some money. I believe that many of these people would like to be able to start their practices by teaching folks how to clean their mouths, but the simple truth is that the big money is in reparative work. So, the new dentist--who, as I've said, is really under the economic gun--puts off his or her ideas about prevention until after the bills are paid . . . and once that pattern is established, it never really gets broken.

PLOWBOY: Can you be more specific about that "pattern"?

NARA: Certainly. You see, after a beginning practitioner has become convinced that mechanical repair is the only way to get out of debt, he or she will usually spend a long period of time doing little else. Now, reparative dentistry is, for the most part, dull, tedious, and--in all but a financial sense--unrewarding work. It doesn't take much of this sort of drudgery to kill off any idealism that might have motivated the dentist to try prevention in the first place.

It seems that many of these doctors eventually come to regard dental health from the same frame of reference as most of the American public does ... that dental disease is inevitable and that everyone will lose his or her teeth sooner or later. Naturally, once this attitude takes over--and it may be a "gut feeling'' that's never actually spoken about or even consciously thought--the dentist begins to feel that prevention is a waste of time . . . and so the status quo perpetuates itself.

PLOWBOY: But this common attitude didn't keep you from practicing preventive therapy?

NARA: No, it didn't, and I think there are several reasons why I was able to maintain my interest in prevention. For one thing, I'm a pretty stubborn individual. For another. I dislike even trying to treat a mouth that isn't clean. I mean, why go through the time and effort necessary to really remove decay and place nice fillings when you know--because the mouth itself is not being cared for--that the new work is going to be decayed all around its margins in six months or a year? There's simply not much job satisfaction in enlarging the same filling time after time until the tooth has to come out.

So, early in my practice I tried to put together a plan that would motivate my patients, to help them establish an effective oral hygiene program. I failed miserably--as I should have known I would--because nobody wanted to listen.

My patients, at that time, shared the common attitude: "Come on, Doc, just get that tooth filled, or get this one pulled. and let me out of here." Because most folks don't want to spend any more time than is absolutely necessary in a dentist's office, they want to get away from that chair and away from those drills as quickly as possible.

PLOWBOY: This "fear" would seem to be related to the frame of reference you spoke of earlier.

NARA: Right, it's part of the same attitude. And, because of that frame of reference, a dentist can talk till he or she's blue in the face about keeping the mouth healthy and so forth. Nobody wants to hear about it . . . nobody even believes it !

PLOWBOY: Do people actually doubt that prevention can be effective, or do they simply feel that they lack the willpower to follow through with such a program?

NARA: I think that--in most cases--a combination of both these beliefs is at work . . . because the concept of a really effective oral health program is simply beyond the scope of most people's experience. For example, note the toothpaste ads that are run on television: "Look. Mom, only one cavity ! " Now, that ad is claiming--and the manufacturers of that product are claiming--that really good prevention will result in only one cavity every six months! At that rate, a person could have more than 32 fillings by the time he or she reaches 21 years of age! It's crazy, and this kind of advertising contributes to our national indifference toward the prevention of dental disease. 
Another problem with the traditional approach to oral hygiene is that it's all "teach, teach, teach". Now adults, especially--and even children to a large degree--don't really appreciate being told that someone is going to teach them something. Most folks consider the very suggestion that they need education to be an insult, a put-down. Yet, many "modern" dental offices have a room with a big sign on the door that says. "Patient Education Room". The sign might as well say. "This Way, Dummy", because that's exactly the feeling that's conveyed.

PLOWBOY: How did you manage to communicate the necessary information without insulting your patients, then?

NARA: Well, I knew that most people avoid the dentist's office until they need work done . . . usually either a filling or an extraction. And people in pain aren't likely to be receptive to a cute story about preventing the disease. So, I had to design a system that would penetrate, first, the preoccupation with money worries and physical discomfort that most folks bring to the office with them. And I also had to figure out a way to change the preconception that nothing can be done about tooth decay and gum disease anyway.

With all of these cards stacked against me. I knew that I needed a very effective psychological delivery system. So, I spent a lot of time thinking about it, saying to myself. "How can I do this?"
My goal was to stop disease, and I was sure that I could stop it--I had all of the scientific evidence in the world to back me up--if I could get the patients' help and cooperation.

And that's what the "method" that I came to call Oramedics does: It enables me to get the patients to cooperate, to take the control of their own oral environment into their own hands. And the system works!

PLOWBOY: But as soon as you started practicing this form of prevention, you began to encounter resistance from the dental establishment. When did the first signs of your coming "war" with organized dentistry show up?

NARA: I began working, in 1968, to bring about some changes in the outmoded dental laws that still exist in much of the U.S. At that point I was mainly concerned with setting up a system that would help the dentist to be more effective in his or her job. Part of the problem, as I saw it, was that most dentists simply didn't have the time to handle health education effectively. I felt that this situation could be remedied if the doctors were able to delegate some of the more routine dental tasks to paradental personnel. After all, there are many new types of paramedical jobs and paralegal jobs today, but we really don't have any new paradental positions . . . there haven't been any "new kids on the team" for years.

So, I started lecturing that dental assistants should be trained to polish teeth, to give fluoride treatments, and so forth... in order to allow these people to become really worthwhile members of the dental health team. I pushed pretty hard to get new laws passed that would help bring about these changes. For instance. I got myself elected to the American Dental Association's House of Delegates in 1971 and spent four years pushing for modern laws.

Unfortunately, dental laws fall under the category of state's rights, so--even though the House of Delegates did vote to recommend liberalized legislation--direct action could only be taken at the state level. And it just so happens that my home state of Michigan is one of the most backward places--in terms of dental progress--in the Union. This is because we have a network of long-entrenched "dental politicians" in Michigan. In many states, on the other hand, there is a regular turnover among professional politicians, because many people compete for these positions. Michigan, however, lacks that healthy competition, and old dental ideas are seldom challenged here. In fact, just as an example, we had two men-- father and son-who ran the Michigan State Board of Dentistry for 40 years !

Anyway, I went to work, through the appropriate political channels, and helped to get rid of some of these people who were--I thought--standing in the way of necessary change. And, in the process of fighting the entrenched hierarchy. I did make some enemies . . . enemies who are still "haunting" me today.

The first real sign of the troubles to come, however, showed up in April of 1968. I was called, at that time, before the State Board of Dentistry and told--by one of the Board's members-that I'd lose my license if I continued to rock the boat. I replied that I believed myself to be in the right, that I was acting in the public interest, and that I would continue to do so regardless of whatever he was tempted to do in retaliation. The board member responded by saying. "We'll get you." And it took him 10 years, 10 long years of battles in the professional organizations and in the courts, to finally take my license away from me.

The State Board chose to attack me on the ground that I was training my assistants to perform the routine tasks I described above. They tried to force me to stop doing this, and I, of course, refused. Then, in 1972, one of my assistants--while following my instructions--placed a medicated piece of cotton in a patient's cavity . . . and the man returned the next day with warrants for my assistant's and my arrest. He was actually the attorney who served as chief investigator for the Dental Board's Department of Licensing and Regulations!

PLOWBOY: And what was the outcome of that 1972 arrest?

NARA: Well, it eventually led to an arraignment. And, at the hearing, the judge explained to me that--if I were found guilty as charged--I could spend a year in jail and be fined up to $500. 
He then asked me how I intended to plead, and I told him "guilty".

The judge was upset by this. "You're putting me in a rough spot here. Doctor," he said. I asked him what he meant, and he explained that--if I didn't plead''not guilty''--he'd have to sentence me. I replied that I was at fault, that I had allowed my assistants to polish teeth and so forth. So, the judge turned off his tape recorder, leaned over the bench, and advised me to get myself a lawyer and to give the matter some serious thought before I came to trial. Well, I didn't hire an attorney. I didn't want one, because my attitude was that the laws themselves were wrong ... and I figured that I might just as well be the person who challenged them.

At any rate, it took another six months for the case to actually come to trial, and the State Dental Board must have gotten a bit worried by that time. It looked pretty certain that the judge was going to have to throw me in the slammer for a year, and the Board must have decided that they'd get a lot of bad press if they sent a dentist to jail for letting his assistants perform routine tasks, so they dropped the charges.

PLOWBOY: Was that the end of your troubles?

NARA: Everything did settle down for a while. I was, at the time, writing research proposals for Michigan Technological University. And, about a year after the trial, I came up with a really unique proposal that seemed to have a very good chance of being accepted. While I was out of town lecturing, however, the president of the Copper County District Dental Society went to the dean of the university's School of Business--who was in charge of the grant proposal program--and told him that the college should take my name off the proposal and put the Dental Society president's name on it! The president threatened that--if this wasn't done--the Society's members would write letters to the Department of Health, Education. and Welfare saying that they did not want this research done in their area. Of course, HEW isn't likely to try to conduct research in any given area if the local doctors oppose that study . . . because the project would become a terrible mess.

PLOWBOY: Are you referring to the peer pressure that could be put on the researchers?

NARA: Correct. Anyway, the dean was upset--he didn't want to lose the grant that might mean several million dollars to his university--and, as he was unable to reach me, he gave in. My name was taken off the proposal and the name of the president of the County District Dental Society was put on.

I was, of course, very angry when I heard about this, because the proposal was my work! So--since I had no other course of action available--I filed a complaint with the Dental Society against its own president! In retaliation, the Society simply disbanded and then reorganized itself . . . thereby clearing the records of all former complaints!

But, although those local dental politicians had effectively swept my charges under the table, they were really riled that I'd had the gall to attack them. Soon after they had reorganized their little club, Society dentists sent a series of letters to the Department of Licensing and Regulation. These documents charged me with unethical conduct on the grounds that I was still training my dental assistants to polish teeth and perform other such routine chores.

Ironically, while I was being hassled for training my assistants to polish teeth, the major dental journals were carrying ads for a portable device that would allow patients to polish their own teeth at home!

And, to make the situation even more ludicrous. I was then-and still am--qualified to teach in any dental school in the country. I don't need a single additional credit to train young people to become dentists . .. and yet my profession attacked me for teaching dental assistants to polish teeth!

PLOWBOY: The charge is almost identical to that made in 1972 . . how were the members of the Dental Society able to make it stick in this case?

NARA: In 1972 they had tried to "get" me in the civil courts and had let those charges drop for fear of bad publicity. In this instance, however, they decided to handle the matter themselves and stay out of the courts. So I was charged, before the Michigan State Board of Dentistry, with letting an unlicensed assistant polish teeth and with ''advertising an unrecognized specialty". The latter accusation refers to an ad that I had placed in the local yellow pages. The advertisement read: "Specializing in Oramedics ... for people with teeth who want to keep them."  You should know, too, that it is not illegal for a dentist to advertise in Michigan. For instance, dentists have run ads saying that they specialized in dentures, or root canals, or something like that, and they have had no problems. Oramedics, however, is not a term that the American Dental Associstion or the Michigan State Dental Association recognizes. And, on the basis of those two charges, they were ultimately able to suspend my license for 15 months.
Even more ludicrous ... I don 't need a single additional (college) credit to train young people to become dentists . . . and yet my profession attacked me for teaching dental assistants to polish teeth!

PLOWBOY: When did this suspension take effect?

NARA: On February 15. 1978.

PLOWBOY: Did you then make any effort to appeal the Board's action?

Continued on page 2...

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