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Närä Natural Tooth Cleansing Powder

Nara Cleansing Powder with Xylitol

...for Cleaner, Fresher and More Healthful Teeth & Gums!

Finally, all the benefits of Salt and Baking Soda with the added features of Xylitol - in one great tasting more natural powder!

Your mouth will come alive, your teeth and gums will feel fresh and clean and you'll feel good knowing that you're family is using a safe and natural dentifrice with...

NO Added Anti-Caking Chemicals!  |  NO Fluoride Compounds!
NO SOAPS, Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS), or Other Detergents
NO Added Abrasives!

We've given the name, 'Närä' to this powder in recognition of the Nara family, who've given us so much love and support over the years - as well as the material from which we base the OraMedia Site for Dental Self SufficiencyDr. Robert Nara, author of How to Become Dentally Self Sufficient and Money by the Mouthful has helped millions of people in their quest to keep their teeth disease-free for life.  Dr. Nara is also descended from Finnish immigrants, and of course, Finland is where Xylitol was originally developed as a by-product of the Birch Tree.

Nara Cleansing Powder, Peppermint Flavor
Peppermint's brisk, uplifting aroma has been enjoyed for centuries, in both aromatherapeutic and culinary applications. Peppermint can be invigorating and rejuvenating.

Peppermint is one of the most useful and beloved essential oils. Refreshing, cooling, uplifting, and restoring, peppermint has a variety of therapeutic uses. Used extens-
ively in both Eastern and West-
ern medicine for everything from indigestion to diarrhea, head-
aches to tired feet, and tooth-
aches to cramps.

The cooling effect of Xylitol in the mouth makes brushing with Peppermint flavored Nara Cleansing Powder an especially brisk and envigorating exper-

Nara Cleansing Powder, Spearmint Flavor
Refreshing and invigorating, the aroma of spearmint has been enjoyed throughout the ages for skin and digestive disorders.

Spearmint is a favorite flavor for gums and mints because of its refreshing and cleansing taste. However, this herb has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties. The Greeks not only used it to scent their bath water, but as a restorative as well. In medieval times, spearmint was used to heal sore gums and whiten teeth. Today, spearmint is a favorite flavoring agent, and it is also a valued aromatic.  Its fresh, minty aroma is invigorating and energizing, making it a wonderful scent to come home to and recharge after a demanding, stressful day.

Nara Cleansing Powder, Clove Flavor
The warm, pungent oils of clove have served as a historical adjunct for overall health for digestive, dental & skin needs.

Cloves were important in the earliest spice trades, probably because of their importance in flavoring foods. Known for their hot, spicy, pungent flavor, cloves are a favorite seasoning spice for meats, baked goods, and beverages. Besides its be-
loved place in the kitchen, clove essential oil is a valued aro-
matic, and used traditionally as a remedy for skin conditions, to calm digestive upset, and to relieve nausea.
However, it's best known for its use as both a breath freshener and toothache reliever.
Cloves remain an im-
portant spice commodity, and today are used in everything from perfume to mulled wines and from love potions to pomades.
Nara Cleansing Powder, Cinnamon Flavor
Cinnamon was once so highly valued that it was used as a trade commodity between India, China, and Egypt.

The smell of cinnamon wafting through the kitchen is probably the most beloved aroma of the Earth's population. First mentioned in Chinese literature as early as 2700 BC, cinnamon is considered a “warm” herb and is valued in many ancient traditional medical systems, including Ayurvedic medicine. Early Europeans considered cinnamon a “rare and precious spice”, and it was often used in tonics to treat coughs, colds and digestive ailments. Used in just about every kitchen of every culture, cinnamon is treasured for its culinary magic as well as its therapeutic benefits.  Cinnamon is especially good for colds, flu, arthritis, rheumatism, and other aches and pains.

Nara Cleansing Powder, Tangerine Flavor
The sweet, revitalizing aroma of tangerine has been enjoyed throughout the ages as an adjunct to respiratory and general well-being.

Tangerines are much more than a delicious, exotic treat. These fabulous fruits have been used throughout the ages for skin care, digestive health, and system balancing. Their warm, sweet, fresh, and lively scent is especially captivating to children and pregnant women. The French regard tangerine oil as a safe remedy for children suffering from indigestion and hiccoughs. Tangerine oil is also known to inspire, strengthen, and uplift spirits.  While some may find it similar to orange, tangerine has its own unique, comforting, and sparkling aroma, and should not be replaced by its citrus sister.
Nara Cleansing Powder, Lemon-Lime Flavor
Lemons have long been valued for more than lemonade. We know that ancient Egyptians prized this oil for its purported ability to act as an antidote to fish and meat poisoning. And, like lime, it was a staple on 17th century Royal Navy ships to help prevent scurvy. Today, we know lemon can help con-
tain and treat infectious disases, especially colds and fevers. Its scent also helps to increase concentration, and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Some hos-
pitals use lemon oil to help calm frightened or depressed patients.

Fruity and refreshing, limes have been a kitchen staple for centuries. It is believed that limes were first introduced to the Americas by 16th century Port-
uguese navigators. The lime soon became a favorite fruit, both for its therapeutic value and taste.

Use Nara Cleansing Powder as you would use toothpaste; after meals, snacks or drinking sugary drinks, including fruit juices.  You may find it easier to pour a little into a small bowl and scoop with your wet toothbrush from the bowl, adding more as you go, if you prefer.  Brush a minimum of 2 minutes.  When you rinse, sip about 1/2 oz. clean water, swish for 15 seconds, spit and repeat.

To help re-build tooth enamel, add a few drops of ConcenTrace trace minerals after applying powder to your toothbrush and brush as usual.  More Uses...


I am very adamant about my dental health.  I am a Naturopathic Doctor and understand the correlation between one's
dental health and one's overall health.  I have my teeth cleaned every 4 months but I still have a problem with early plaque buildup.  It's a struggle to wait a whole 4 months.
I felt some plaque build up on 2 teeth and tried brushing longer and harder in that area with no results. After just one brushing with the Närä
tooth powder my teeth feel like I just had a cleaning!!  I can't wait to see the results.  Maybe I can skip to twice a year or even once a year cleanings.  Maybe I can become dentist-free!

Thanks, Tom, for sharing this information.   I will definetely add it to my practice.    
Brenda A. Simmons,  Atlanta, Georgia

Hi Tom,

Thanks so much for including your new cinnamon flavored Närä cleansing powder to my order.  You asked me to get back to you regarding what I thought of it.  It is our favorite!  We ordered the spearmint & clove and we like the cinnamon the best.  It works great!  My teeth feel nice and polished.

Thanks so much,

Nara Cleansing Powder - Single 2 ounce bottle
Nara Cleansing Powder - 3 Packs
Nara Cleansing Powder, 6-Packs
Holiday Sampler
Six, 2 oz. Bottles
BIG 8-Ounce Bottles
Nara Cleansing Powder, 8 oz. Sizes

Prices shown in U.S. Dollars and include shipping.

(Scroll down or click HERE for bulk orders)




2oz. Nara Cleansing Powder for Teeth & Gums
One 2oz. Bottle
Includes Shipping to U.S. Addresses
Select Flavor:

2oz. 3-pack
2oz. Nara Cleansing Powder for Teeth & Gums

One 2oz. Bottle

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including current
Canadian shipping costs.
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2oz. Nara Cleansing Powder for Teeth & Gums

One 2oz. Bottle

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Overseas shipping costs.
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Nara Natural Cleansing Powder for Teeth and Gums, 3-Pack3 Pack
Cleansing Powder
Incl. Shipping to U.S.

Flavor Choice #1
Flavor Choice #2
Flavor Choice #3

Nara Natural Cleansing Powder for Teeth and Gums, 3-Pack3 Pack
Cleansing Powder

$24.95 USD
Includes Shipping to Canadian Addresses

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including current
Canadian shipping costs.
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Nara Natural Cleansing Powder for Teeth and Gums, 3-Pack3 Pack
Cleansing Powder

$29.95 USD
Includes Shipping to Addresses Outside the U.S & Canada

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including current
Overseas shipping costs.
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Nara Cleansing Powder -  Holiday Sampler - Six 2 oz. Bottles, one of each flavor
Holiday Sampler

Always Available!
Six bottles, One of Each Flavor
Includes Shipping to U.S. Addresses
Peppermint, Spearmint, Clove, Cinnamon,
Tangerine & Lemon-Lime


Nara Cleansing Powder -  Holiday Sampler - Six 2 oz. Bottles, one of each flavor
Holiday Sampler
Always Available!

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Canadian shipping costs.
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Peppermint, Spearmint, Clove, Cinnamon,

Tangerine & Lemon-Lime

Nara Cleansing Powder -  Holiday Sampler - Six 2 oz. Bottles, one of each flavor
Holiday Sampler
Always Available!

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Overseas shipping costs.
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Peppermint, Spearmint, Clove, Cinnamon,
Tangerine & Lemon-Lime

1 Dozen
Includes Shipping to U.S. Addresses
Indicate Flavor(s) & Qty. Ea.
1 Dozen
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1 Dozen

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Nara Cleansing Powder 8 Ounce Size. Peppermint, Spearmint, Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon-Lime and Un-flavored
Due to demand, we have expanded the selection of our 8 Ounce size.
Previously only available in Peppermint flavor, you can now also order Spear-
mint, Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon-Lime or our Un-flavored powders.

Take advantage of Special Discounted Prices for a limited time while
introduce our NEW 8-Ounce Selection!


Nara Tooth Powder 8oz. Bottle Närä Cleansing Powder
One 8oz. Bottle
Includes Shipping to
U.S. Addresses
Select Flavor:


Nara Tooth Powder 8oz. BottleNärä Cleansing Powder
One 8oz. Bottle

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Canadian shipping costs.
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Nara Tooth Powder 8oz. BottleNärä Cleansing Powder
One 8oz. Bottle

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Bulk Cleansing Powder
Närä Cleansing Powder
BULK Pricing

Mixing instructions included.
Bulk powder is formulated as UNFLAVORED only.
Prices include Shipping; US Orders - USPS Priority Mail,
Canada & Overseas - USPS International First Class or Priority depending upon weight (4 Lbs. +).

U.S. Orders
U.S. Orders

Canadian OrdersCanadian Orders
International orders
Overseas Orders*

Närä Cleansing Powder
2.5 Lbs.

Price Includes Shipping to
U.S. Addresses


Närä Cleansing Powder
2.5 Lbs.

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including current
Canadian shipping costs.
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Närä Cleansing Powder
2.5 Lbs.

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If you ordered Nara Powder in bulk for use in your irrigator, in a separate container (such as a clean jar with a lid) mix 1-2 tablespoons of Nara Powder with 12 oz. distilled or highly filtered water. Screw lid on tightly and shake vigorously so all of the powder goes into solution. More powder may be added as long as the contents go into solution. Warm to room or body temperature (whichever is most comfortable) and pour into the reservoir of your irrigator.

(Never mix the powder and water in the irrigator's reservoir - always use a separate container.) Irrigate as usual. After irrigating, run clean water through the irrigator, hose and tips to thoroughly flush out any residual mixture. If this is not done, clogging may occur causing the irrigator to operate less optimally or to not operate at all.

As a BASIC mouth rinse, mix 1 teaspoon of Nara Powder with 10 oz. distilled or thoroughly filtered water. Pour off approximately 1 ounce of the mixture into a shot glass or other small, measurable container and save the remaining 9 oz. for future use. Swish with ½ oz. for 30 seconds, then spit. Repeat with the remaining ½ oz. This mix should accompany any brushing and irrigating that you do. It is not meant as a replacement.

As a RE-MINERALIZING rinse, set up your mixture as described above. Once you have measured off 1 oz., add 20 drops of CONCENTRACE Trace Minerals (about ¼ teaspoon) then proceed as above. Note: Your teeth must be thoroughly clean for any re-mineralization to occur, so save your Re-mineralizing rinse as the final step after irrigating, brushing, etc.

As an ANTI-MICROBIAL rinse, set up your mixture as described for the Basic rinse. Once you have measured off 1 oz., add about 6 drops of OraMD, then proceed as above.

With any of these procedures, it may be helpful not to rinse away any residual mixture by rinsing with water. Leaving any residual mixture in the mouth can enhance the desired effect of the mixture(s) and should eventually be washed away by your saliva. The only exceptions would be if you further rinse with a product such as Biotene or TheraBreath for dry mouth (xerostomia) or if you take a probiotic lozenge as a part of your hygiene process.

*  We will not be responsible for your country's Customs policies involving the shipment of Nara Cleansing Powder into your country.  Please check your country's policy for importing this type of product BEFORE placing your order.  If you do not receive your order due to being held up or otherwise not getting through Customs, we will be unable to assist in getting your order released, nor will we refund your purchase.  By completing your order, you understand and assume full responsibility for any issues which may arise per our policy as stated above.  Thank you!

For Larger Quantities, Please Inquire: info@mizar5.com

*Salts and real essential oils can be rough on many types of oral irrigators and electronic and/or
'sonic' type tooth brushes.  While Närä Cleansing Powder can be a very beneficial to your oral ecology,
special care must be taken in maintaining your oral care products when using
any product containing salt, baking soda or essential oils.
Please read your device's user manual carefully
before using it with Närä Cleansing Powder.

Article:  Which Irrigator is Right for YOU?

Products:  Oral Irrigators

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