Having an Encounter with Yourself Dr.
Robert O. Nara
Why should anyone write
a book about feelings?
"I guess the best
answer I can give to that question is the fact that I believe that our
in life are one of the most important factors involving our success and
"That is what this book is all about, feelings and how
it affects our attitudes and actions. "
"In this day and age of pressures, tensions, anxieties, high blood pressure, alcoholism, high divorce rate, suicide, and generalized depression, the only hope for survival is to control one's feelings and accurately manage them through the chaos to peaceful co-existence with our environment. Peace of mind is a reward bestowed by our Creator to only a few. Those few have undoubtedly negotiated with their own feelings to arrive at this enviable state of being. Through their own abilities, they are able to perceive and handle feelings. (Plus a little help from the guy in the sky.)" - Dr. Robert Nara
proportion of people seeking treatment... who were
prescribed a drug rose from 45 percent in 1987 to nearly 80 percent in
"Tufts’s Dr. Pies... “there’s no demonstrable enduring benefit of medication” once it’s discontinued." -Tuffts Health & Nutrition
Letter, August, 2004
Can we really manage our feelings in
respect to ourselves, our mates, children, jobs...?
All of us have some abilities to handle feelings today. All of us have room for improvement in this regard. 'Feelings! Having an Encounter With Yourself' was written by Dr. Robert Nara. Dr. Nara focuses in on taking individual responsibility for handling unwanted or undesirable emotion and the decisions we make under stress, duress, anger, grief... which tend to drive us into further undesired action (or no action at all!) when faced with the complexities of everyday living.Does this apply to you? Can you imagine what life would be like being able to adjust your compass and getting back on the course YOU want to be on? - There very well may be some hope for you in Dr. Nara's words. ...Not just words, 'Feelings!...' incorporates your involvement every step of the way. Nothing stays the same; everything is in a state of change - there are no plateaus in life - you are either improving or declining. Make the change today, as other readers have. Read 'Feelings! Having an Encounter with Yourself' and start improving today. Download
Dr. Nara's 'Feelings!...' right now.
$9.95 (You will be taken to a page for download instructions after completion of the payment process. If you have any problems with a successful download, please write. ) Feelings! Print-outs. We
have print-outs (3-ring bound) available for those who would like a
hardcopy version of Dr. Nara's book. Price includes shipping to
U.S. Addresses. Just $17.95
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