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HillaryCommentary on...

Hillary Clinton's Universal Health Care Plan:  Buy Health Insurance or Else!

By: Tom Cornwell

Regarding the Clinton Health Care Proposal

In the March 3, 2008 Issue of the OraMedia Newsletter for Dental Self Sufficiency, I posted the article, 'Hillary Clinton's Universal Health Care Plan - Buy Health Insurance Or Else!'

A few readers - not a lot - wrote and argued about my posting this article for various reasons. One in particular covered most the points of the others, so I will post that one it here and reply at the end.

"Dear Tom,

I read the article on your website written by Mike Adams on Hillary Clinton's Health Care Plan. His interpretation seems rather biased and more than anything it is intended against Senator Clinton during these more than critical election times. A system similar as the one proposed by Senator Clinton has been working in Europe for years.

Every working person gets a small amount automaticallay deducted every month from their paycheck and then covers any kind of health care in times of need. Doctors visits are covered as well as surgeries and hospital stays whenever necessary and dental care too. I think the plan is magnificent because when disease strikes or an unexpected need arises for a hospital stay, most people do not have the money to cover these expenses and even the regular insurance that some might people have in this country still requires defty co-payments. All medications used to be free in Europe too. Only in recent years co-payments are required. To me such a plan, which covers every working individual and their families seems an excellent suggestion by the Senator, in fact, it seems the only way we all could get health insurance at a reasonable low cost and abe covered when we need it.

I am very surprised that you publish such a biased article as the one written by Mike Adams on your website and believe that it was mainly intended against Hillary Clinton and out of ignorance about the benefits the plan really offers for every American. Very disappointing that instead of promoting dental care products you are now getting into politics. [sic]

Best regards, E. L."


First off, I would suggest that we re-read Mike Adams' article and see that the whole thing is not about Mrs. Clinton, rather the majority argues against the concept of universal health care. She was targeted primarily because she has come forward with a 'plan' whereas the other candidates have not as yet. As soon as they do, they will be picked apart as well, I suppose.

As similar systems of health of health care have been 'working' in Europe for years (she doesn't say where, exactly), let's take a look at France for example, because my understanding is the French have the best health care in the world. One would argue that the U.S. does, however, let's look at France. While health care in France is good and available to its citizens, France's largest debt is on their free health care and the French citizens pay DEARLY (not a small amount) in taxes for that privilege (This, according to a friend of ours living in Charleston, originally from France). In Great Britain, the dentists who work under the government's universal health care program don't care to treat patients in need of major dental work. Why? Because they get paid by the number of patients they see and doing major dental work on a patient takes time - time other patients can be seen which affect the doctors' bottom lines. This is why many U.K. dentists are opting-out and going into or back into private practice (as opposed to government health care). Then there is the waiting game (ask the Canadians who come to the U.S. because they can get the care they need NOW, when they need it).

Let's take a look at programs which the federal government is already operating: Medicare & Medicaid. Before I left NY for the Republic of South Carolina I presided over a not for profit organization which worked closely with our county government. I had frequent meetings with county officials and in our discussions learned how Medicare & Medicaid were absolutely crippling the counties in New York State, so much so that the only options for staying afloat was the closing of our county-run parks and libraries. Now our politicians want to bring the entire population in under that umbrella?? You can imagine how the property taxes in my area escalated to cover just that mess alone?!  I would venture to assume that New York is not alone in that dilemma (at least the people of New York are no longer financing the services of expensive 'call-girls' now!). I won't even go into the issue of Medicare fraud – on both sides of that coin!

Is federal health care coverage good for the doctor? Ask any doctor you know or any office manager in a doctor's office how much Medicare or Medicaid pays them. They are one of the worst of ALL insurance programs! How is that? Well, let's say that your doctor charges $300/hr for an office visit. If you write a check to the people at the front desk after your visit, that's what you'll likely pay unless he or she offers a small cash discount. Why is this? Because insurance companies don't pay the doctor the $300.00 he or she charges for your visit. They may only pay 60% or 80% but they do not reimburse the doctor in full, and the federal government is the worst at reimbursement, as well as one of the slowest paying. Is that to the doctor's benefit? I wouldn't say so. The way I see it, if the doctor spends an initial eight years studying his or her profession, years interning, in residency and doing CME, well that ought to be worth something. By the same token, if I study my profession, marketing, etc., etc. provide a good product and service don't I deserve what I get for the effort? ...and if I don't, do I deserve to fail?  The government, in its infinite wisdom, does not tend to reward producton...

Oh, and by the way, Doc, we don't approve of that procedure you did to save the life of 'Patient X' so we're not paying you for having done it, regardless...”

My site is the OraMedia Site for Dental Self Sufficiency. There are two key words there: SELF and SUFFICIENCY. Based on the feedback I receive, I really think that some folks just can't grasp that concept. One can never be totally self sufficient, I understand that, but this country has become increasingly dependent on our various governments to such a degree that it is surprising that we can even function without checking out some federal guideline! Interesting to note that we had a doctor stay with us last July 4th weekend - friend of my sweetheart. This woman grew up in Communist China under the Mao regime. In watching a lot of CNN and discussing our nation's presidential race, she had the toughest time with the concept of American freedoms (How could a government ALLOW something like the Bill of Rights?). I was so surprised - after all, she lived and practiced medicine here for years, yet she didn't grasp the concept this country was founded on? I bring this up only to point out how our own citizens have become slowly more dependent on the state for everything in order for us to remain 'safe and secure.' SELF SUFFICIENCY? I believe that as a nation we have lost sight of the concept of doing for one's self. Personal responsibility. Perhaps lost to the concept of, "if it feels good..." In any event, what we seem to be losing in the true education of our citizens, we seem to be gaining in the growth of government intervention.

National health care? Well, it worked great for Germany for 10 minutes 100 years ago but the Nazi's loved and embraced it - it served them well! (Wasn't there something written about those ignoring history being doomed to repeat it...?) Should we set ourselves up for that possibility? Have we already? (Read  National Health Care: Medicine in Germany 1918-1945  By Marc S. Micozzi, M.D.  - well worth 8 minutes of your time.)

OK, so the writer wants to know what business I have going from promoting dental care to Hillary politics and now you have snippets of my viewpoint in respect to that. The dental care I promote is not intended to be some cute little adjunct to the dental profession. Since that is the case, then we have to include many factors involved with the issue, don't we? That might include politics... Ain't that true about life in general? Give us less government bail-outs (I include government sponsored health care here) and I'll show you a country where the citizens grow stronger and healthier because they want and need to. This is why, when you hit the OraMedia site, you'll learn about systemic diseases, water purification, nutrition, laws, money, etc. BECAUSE IT ALL TIES IN. I'm not a socialist and I do not promote that direction. If I did, I'd have a one page site which reads: BRUSH DAILY, AVOID SWEETS AND SEE YOUR DENTIST TWICE A YEAR (...of course I would adjust that statement based on what the Federal Dental Politburo wanted me to promote on any given month...) This is why the OraMedia site is so popular because many of you WANT to do for yourselves, or at least want to make the attempt.

Freedom is nice. It has lots of potential.


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