Orthodontic Dollars |
If given the choice between two tools, both equally suited to accomplishing the task, which one would you choose? Suppose, then, that one tool costs five dollars, the other costs a hundred. That makes the choice much simpler, doesn't it? You would most assuredly choose the five dollar tool. This is precisely the choice you have available to you regarding orthodontic care. Most of us know about the expensive tool; braces, wires, etc. Many complicated cases involving orthodontic care can rip open your wallet for sums in excess of SEVERAL THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS per patient. "Ouch! My ailing
bank account!" we can hear
you crying. Suppose, for an investment of five percent or less of that "Ouch!" amount, you could minimize or totally prevent the need for orthodontic care? Interested?
utilized by only a small minority of
dentists in The test is called
a Mixed
Dentition Analysis. By utilizing this test when your child is
six to
eight years old, your dentist can accurately predict the future
problems and
take steps to prevent them from happening. The portion of the
test directly involving the
patient is short and uncomplicated. An impression is taken of the
tooth structure. From this impression, a study model which duplicates
patient's oral alignment and tooth size is constructed. Using this study
model, the dentist can measure the
sizes of permanent teeth already in place. Using these measurements, he
accurately estimate the amount of space that is required for the
permanent teeth to come in correctly. CAUSE
TREATMENT The most common
cause of misalignment in teeth is the
lack of ample space for proper development to occur. Just
as a square peg won't go into a round
hole, too many teeth that are too large for the given space create
problems. The pattern for
future dental progression begins
forming many months before your child is born. Many complex genetic
come together to affect the child's future dental alignment. By taking
measurements from the study model, combined
with visual checks of profile and bite alignments, your dentist can
with a reasonable degree of accuracy, the chance for future orthodontic
problems. If his assessment
reveals a space shortage, he can
take steps to cure or limit the scope of orthodontic problems. By
removal of baby teeth and permanent teeth, he can assure adequate space
for teeth
to enter in proper alignment. If the situation has progressed so that
problems have developed, minor corrective measures may be temporarily
needed. Except in rare
cases, the use of complex, extensive
orthodontic appliances is practically eliminated. In
all cases, orthodontic care can be greatly
simplified and of shorter duration, therefore saving money. THE
STRAIGHT TEETH Realistically, we
can project a future where straight
teeth are the rule. By taking preventive
measures early in the game, the need for orthodontic appliances
could be
virtually eliminated. Aside from the
obvious financial advantage gained by
this plan, there are other less visible advantages to consider. This plan takes
advantage of natural human
development. This permits a better anchoring of the roots into the
bone structure. Any forced movement of teeth can be injurious to the
below the gum line. In extensive
orthodontic cases, a problem called root
resorption can take place. Root
resorption is a wearing down of the naturally
sharp points of the roots. This means the teeth will NEVER anchor
themselves as
well as they would have, if left undisturbed. In addition, there
is the hygiene problem. With the
presence of braces and wires in the mouth, adequate cleansing measures
are very
difficult to perform. As a direct
result, extensive decay is often found
beneath the braces when they are removed. In addition to the
possible pain for
your child, here is more dental expense. Your child's teen
years will be a difficult period of
profound psychological change. "Coming of Age" is a turning point for
all of us. The changes, both physical and mental, come together to
shape the
adult personality. The psychological
pressure created by orthodontic
devices, particularly the degree of harassment by peers, is a tragic
preventable burden for your child. THE
PREVENTION Most of these
problems could be avoided, if early
action is taken. This simple, painless test can lead the way to
preventing all the
problems that have been outlined in this booklet. Consult your
dentist today. Ask him to perform the Mixed Dentition
Analysis* for your child. This small investment can lead to a
lifetime that is
free of orthodontic problems. If your dentist is
presently unacquainted with the
test procedure, he can get the information from recognized
reference sources*. Do it TODAY! _______________________________________Read: Vitamin D and Teeth in Kids *Handbook of
Orthodontics by Dr. Robert E. Moyers
Year Book Publishers, Inc. Send Page To a Friend Previous Article: Protect the Precious: Your Baby's First Year Previous Article: The Trying Years: Ages 1 - 4 Previous Article: The Transition Years: Ages 4 - 12 Products OraMedia
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